Leave cash at home and enjoy the security and convenience of our Mastercard® debit card.
- Free Mastercard® debit card with a Monson Savings checking account
- Debit card issued instantly
- Easy access to account balance
- Make purchases or get cash virtually anywhere, worldwide
- Funds deducted automatically
- Track transactions with ease
- Turn your card on and off with CardHub
- More convenient than checks
- Safer than carrying cash
- 24/7 access to funds via ATMs
- Easily replaced if lost or stolen
Travel Plans?
If you plan to travel, it's important to notify us before you go to allow the fraud system to function without causing transaction authorization delays while you're away.
Set your travel plans in your mobile banking app and enjoy your trip with no interruptions to your card.
If you prefer, you may also call us at (413) 267-4646 if you plan on traveling with your debit card within the United States, to a foreign country, or if you plan to purchase goods from another country online or over the phone.